
What is causing the higher gas prices?

by Guest62160  |  earlier

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Ok - what causes what they are paying per barrel to go up?




  1. Politics

  2. The Price of What they are Paying Per Barrel

  3. WE are. The MORE people who put cars on the road around the World, the HIGHER the will prices go...because there isn't enough Gas to go around, anymore...   So the SOONER we stop making Babies, the sooner the price will level off... (You're not thinking of having any Children someday, ARE YOU ??!  :0 ).

  4. Higher petroleum prices.  Thank our politicians, who have banned oil drilling in many places where oil could probably be found.  This is costing the economy a billion dollars a day -- but the caribou on the north slope don't have to look at an oil well.

  5. Hello love, in one word...... GREED.  In two words.....GREED, and decide. Zaria

  6. Interest rates!!! When the federal reserve cuts the interest rate it will cause the dollar to depreciate. When the dollar has less purchasing power because depreciation, the cost of import foreign goods (oil) will cost more money. Also investor speculation has played a large role.

  7. supply and demand

  8. Greed!

  9. Speculators on the commodities market of course.

    While there is no fluctuation in demand or supply between Thursday and Friday (for example)... price changes by $3!!

    Everyone blames consumption or production, but this does not explain the fact that while no change might happen over a period of month (say) price might be up by 10% anyway.

    Long live Capitalism

  10. Gas prices aren't going up.  The money we are spending is becoming increasingly worthless.

    The U.S. government essentially prints money to pay for all the things it promised the voters, that it has no hope of delivering on.  

    The people selling that oil aren't stupid.  They know the U.S. dollar is heading for its demise and if they are going to part with something valuable like oil then they are going to get more of that increasingly worthless money.

    At the far end of this is a massive reduction in federal spending.  Our military and our social spending will be curtailed because nobody will take the dollars anymore.

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