
What is causing this lower back pain?

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I've been experiencing some lower back pain for the past 2-3 weeks I'd say... mainly happening when I am sitting in a chair for too long, or sometimes standing for too long. I've never had this problem before. Any ideas as to why this is happening? I know pains in your back can be associated to pregnancy but does this sound like it? & how early would it be noticeable?




  1. hi

    You have probablly strained your back in some way. Or it could be referred pain from your hips or knees. Have you been wearing heels more often than you normall do or anything like that?

    When sitting try sitting with a cushion to support your back it may help.

    If it carries on thou see your doc as with anything you should get it checked. He may be able to give you some mild pain killers or exercises to help


  2. I would suggest seeing a doctor but if you go to you can get some good medical information.

  3. ~ Hi ~ !  I'm sorry your experiencing back pain.  Do you think you're pregnant? Generally, back pain isn't an early symptom, when I was pregnant I had back pain the BIGGER I got from the strain for the weight in front, weakening the lumbar spine. But, that is generally a later in pregnancy symptom.

    As far as causes, if you don't remember straining your back, then it could be from sitting too long. I know I have to be very conscious of my posture and get up and move around when I've been on the computer a while. Also, a supportive chair is VERY important.

    If you're getting some pain from standing, you may want to try light stretches.

    Here's some stretches for the lumbar (lower) spine:

    If the pain continues, I would recommend seeing your Doctor. Especially if you start experiencing spasm or other mobility issues.

    I hope you get relief soon! =)  

  4. It could be disc degenerative and that is misalignment of the vertebrae and it is very painful. Try some advil and a heating pad. That should help with the pain. I don't think it has to do with pregnancy.

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