
What is cfc?

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What is cfc?




  1. Chloro-Fluoro-Carbon is the extended form of CFC.Also known as freon(CCl2F2).This gas is generated purposively  by refridgerators,ACs and aerosols.This gas rips through the ozone layer causing a hole.This hole allows the dngerous ultra-violet radiations of the sun to reach the earth.Exposure to these rays may result in skin cancer.There is an ozone hole at the south pole.

  2. chlorofluorocarbons

  3. chlorofluorocarbon or freon.  It is used as a refrigerant, and accelerant in aerosols and in some plastics like styrofoam.  Most of the manufacture has been restricted because of the danger to the ozone layer.

  4. cfc stands for chloro fluoro carbons discharged by refrigiration processes.......

  5. It stands for chlorofluorocarbon. Its one of the compounds which is being phased-out due to its destructive effects on the ozone layer

  6. Its full form is  Chloro fluoro carbon.It is a gas which causes global warming and also holes in ozone when present in large quantities.It is released from refrigerators,a.c etc.

  7. 'C' oncocted  'F' ear  'C' artel or as the other chemistry pundits have said 'Chloro Fluro Carbons'....I'm still looking for that hole in the 'sky' or as it is put, the 'ozone layer'.....Time to change my specs, yes....but I can not change my 'eyes'. My eyes see and analyse, the old way.

    By the way what happened to the MSG story....lost its steam???    Or no longer worth pursuing....? Believe only, what 'your' eyes see and analyse.

    You will not make much change, but at least,      'you'   know.

  8. CFC or Chloroflourocarbon is a chemical compound that contains atoms of carbon, flourine and chlorine. The chlorine atoms from CFCs can deplete the ozone layer and reduce its ability to protect against the ultra violet radiation consequently. The increase of ultra violet radiation from the sun will render serious negative effects to human and ecosystem such as increase cases of  skin cancer, cataract and reduced immunity.

  9. CFC[as explained by the others] and related stories, help sales of 'Ray-Ban' glasses and UV [A, B, ...$] protective creams!

  10. It means chloro floro carbon.

    It is used as a refrigerant.

    The chlorine atoms from CFCs can deplete the ozone layer and reduce its ability to protect against the ultra violet radiation.

  11. The Common Fund for Commodities is an inter-governmental financial institution established within the framework of the United Nations. The Fund’s specific mandate is to support developing countries that are commodity dependent to improve and diversify commodities production and trade.

    The Fund’s projects typically have a market development and poverty alleviation orientation; and through a variety of project-based initiatives, the Fund places a high premium on development of commodities-based economies upon which the producers and exporters depend for their livelihoods.

    The Fund currently has a membership of 106 countries. Institutional members include the European Community (EC), the African Union (AU), East African Community and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA). The latest institutional members are: Caribbean Community (CARICOM), the Andean Community and Southern Africa Development Community (SADC).   The Secretariat is based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

    Common Fund Joins UN Secretary-General's Call for Global Action on Commodities and Development

    The international community must agree on a practical action-oriented global plan on commodities, if the world is to avert the food crisis that is currently gripping many countries, especially those that are dependent on commodity production and trade

      Read on

    Projects to launch new 5-year Action Plan (2008-2012) approved by the Executive Board

    To set in motion project activities, commitment of financial resources, and the formal inauguration of the 3rd Five-Year Action Plan (2008-2012), the Executive Board of the Common Fund for Commodities approved a range of project proposals at the last meeting held in April. Nearly USD 20 million will be available to finance commodity measures in 2008.

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    Events Calendar


    21-26 January 2008 41st Meeting of the Consultative Committee Amsterdam

    March 13 15th Annual Meeting-International Commodity Bodies Madrid

    April/May (dates to be confirmed) REGIONAL ROUNDTABLE MEETING- - Middle East and the Arab Region Dubai, UAE

    5-6 April

    INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP- - Jute Geotextiles - -Background Paper

    Kolkata, India

    8-9 April 45th Meeting of the Executive Board Amsterdam

    14-19 July 42nd Meeting of the Consultative Committee Amsterdam

    7-8 October 46th Meeting of the Executive Board Amsterdam

    25-26 November 20th Meeting of the Governing Council Zanzibar, Tanzania

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  12. chloroflurocarbon

  13. i think its chloro-fluro-carbon
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