
What is cheaper amtrak train or a plane?

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I am thinking of going to Los Angeles and do you have to pay departing and returning in train?

I lived in Albuquerque..




  1. The train is so much cheaper Tickets are one way. They might have a round trip prices. Check with a travel agent. If you can  afford it get a sleeping compartment. Trying to sleep in the seats sucks.

  2. you probably will not get strip searched or tazered at the railroad station

  3. Plane may well be cheaper, check at Airlines have a very irrational fare system. It's probably cheaper to fly Boston to LA than Albuquerque to LA. So, check first.

    Airline fares also change depending on when you book them also. Best is 6 weeks ahead.

    Update. Expedia doesn't handle Albuquerque, but Delta has a round trip for $192. Amtrak is $140. I'd spend the extra $50 so I didn't have to spend 30 hours on the train (which would involve the cost of 5 meals).

  4. Take the plane it's a little more expensive, but it gets you there quicker and the meals are on them. If you take the train then it's alot slower and you have to pay for all your meals. All in All the plane will end up cheaper.

  5. Amtrak, hands down.

    Even better considering the shape the airports are in.

    I am in northern California near the Oregon border.  Wifey had to go to L.A.

    Air = 3 airports, 2 layovers to change planes, round trip = $1400.

    By Amtrak, an 18 hour daylight ride along the beautiful California coast line = $136, round trip coach.

    Going to Kansas in a few weeks.  Round trip for two, with private compartment = $1200.

    Can't beat it with a stick.

  6. Amtrak's Southwest Chief is competitive with driving on I-40, timewise, but it is definitely a lot longer than flying.

    MarJoe says the "meals are on the plane" - that might be true if you fly first class, but certainly not in coach.  But Albuquerque to LA is about a 2-hour flight (direct), or longer if you connect through Phoenix, but don't expect any meals.

    With Amtrak, if you buy sleeper space the meals are included in the price.  A sleeper is several hundred $ more than coach, but as the other poster said you really won't sleep very well if you try to sleep in a coach seat.

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