
What is chemistry a study of?

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What is chemistry a study of?




  1. Chemistry is about matter.  Things and what they are made of, how to make them, and how they behave.  So you learn about the elements and how they combine, how to predict reactions, the fundamental topics that are behind drugs and biology and medicine, how gasses and solutions behave, etc.  You learn things that are important to most everything, but for example pick a car: combustion, how much air must go into the engine with gasoline, and what comes out of it and why, how to make combustion smoother, viscosity (oils), thermal expansion of the metals, oils, gasoline; reducing pollution, polymers for tires and seats, the list goes on and on.  Even if you never do chemistry, you get a better intuitive understanding of materials.  

  2. Chemical Bonds, Gasses Dif between solids and liquids, measurmentss, and atom and proton construction. And so on and so forth. REALLY HARD stuff if you ask me

  3. Chemistry deals with the study of matter and its composition, structure, properties, changes/transformation that it undergoes, and the energy that govern the changes.

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