
What is chiese rupestri??

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i think it has something to do with italy!!




  1. Yes, definitely correct, they are in Italy.

    "Le chiese ruprestri" (a plural noun for rock churches) are ancient churches that  have been built a few centuries ago by excavating the ground. Mostly of them are completely under the soil level but there are also churches partly emerging or built in a  niche of the mountain wall.

    The most famous are in Matera (Basilicata region) where the particular type of the ground ,il tufo (the tuff), has allowed their diffusion being the tufo rather soft, not a real rock. On the other hand this peculiarity of the tufo, of being not too hard, makes the rock churches particularly sensitive to the erosion of the rain's water.

    Here below relevant websites in English (others are in Italian- email me if you can read them):

    However there are also other places (mostly in the South of Italy) where are located a few rock churches.

  2. It is part of a group of  Rupestri Churches in Italty

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