
What is child molestation?

by  |  earlier

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Is changing a diapher and wiping the balls and p***s or vaginal to remove f***s molestating your child?

Is bathing their private parts consider child molestation?

How do I protect my children from it?

How do I protect myself from being a of it?




  1. Cleaning your children is not child molestation!!!  If you are touching them inappropriately on purpose then that would be child molestation!!!

  2. no its changing a diaper, and molestation is when a stranger touches a little kid in their special place

  3. disturbing question>>>

    NO! bathing your child CORRECTLY and changing his diaper is not in any form molesting your young one. now, the fact that you are asking this seems to me that you have a dirty mind. if you do not clean you child's private parts he/she will become ill. they will more than likely will suffer a nasty UTI.

  4. no, no, and no. Child molestation is when you actually have s*x with the child or do actions to show that you want to have it with the child. You can protect your children by informing them about it and show them what to do in difficult situations. And all you can do is teach your children about it and if you don't want to have s*x with children then I think you're good on not being a part of it.

  5. Sounds like your just over reacting its the intention not the action. Do you intend to gratify yourself or the child then it would be considered molestation if not then its not.

  6. Simply changing a child is NOT molestation!! Its hard to protect ur children, I have a daughter myself.. Just dont let the child around people you dont trust, and if u get a weird vibe about someone.. TRUST IT!!

    As for u being part of it.. I think that would have to do with ur mental state on touching children... if u get the thought to do so... get help before u hurt an innocent child!

  7. Child molestation is touching a child's private parts for your own sexual pleasure none of the listed things are molestation.

  8. no its just a lil weird how worded that

  9. wow dude...having s*x or touching it in an innapropret manner is molesting it....hope you havnt been doing that

  10. No


    You just see whoever touches your child too much and enjoys it.Keep an eye out for it!

    And NO you will never be molesting the child because you are taking care of it and so cautious.

  11. wow you have interesting questions today!!

    ""Is this abuse?

    Is choking your wife a year ago abuse b/c...""

  12. If your sexually excited by this, then yes, your a child molester.

  13. cleaning the baby is not molestation.  you have to be cautious of who you are around.  stay with your kids and don't leave them with strangers or even people you know except those you really trust and know well.  teach your kids how to protect themselves.  "a" what "of it"? victim of it or perpetrator?  if you are not a child anymore you don't need to worry about being victimized by child molesters anymore.  otherwise, don't do it.

    what's with all of these questions about abuse?

  14. no that isn't abuse.don't trust anybody with your kidsincluding family.

  15. not unless you're doing it because you enjoy touching them that way.

  16. Very simple, if you are cleaning your child in a loving way because you care for them it is not.

    If you are cleaning these areas and get pleasure or aroused by this then you need to get help before you do something.

    If you have a child you should know what is appropriate and what is not. If you don't you need to take parenting classes.

    Put yourself in a bed in a coma and think about how you would want to be touched /cleaned

  17. Oviously cleaning your child is not molestation..unless you start doing nasty things like l*****g your childs parts...Your the parent so thats okay. But if someone else that you DONT approve of starts touching your child then thats molestation. Its not that easy to protect child..It matters what age. If younger then they are mostly with you...If i teenager(Then dont be to over protected) but dont let them wander the North by themselves at night.

  18. nope that is not abuse. keep your children away from known child abusers and teach my the time they are 2 that that nobody is to touch them there except for cleaning and medical purposes.

  19. If you are doing it with sexual intentions then it is molestation but if you are cleaning your child's private areas because they need to be cleaned then it is not. In other words, if it turns you on then you are sick.

  20. 1. No

    2. No

    3. Teach them about the danger of strangers, of course when they're older

    4. Don't do it

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