
What is china's socio-economy?

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  1. Ok, China is an over populated corrupt socialist state. Basically if you become a problem they kill you. Tow the line, do whatever job youve got and dont complain. And ive also decided that economics are rather mundane so this is the last one Im answering. There are too many people and the government of china really doesnt care what happens to its people or whether or not they are happy, unless ofcourse you happen to be rich or in government. Globalism is the way of the world, as such they basically exploit the world. Im sorry for bothering to answer this question. But seriously, Ill be rather glad when the people revolt.  There's a reason the largest countries people tend to be miserable. Large scale government doesnt work, period. Take a look at the united arab emerites some time.  Anytime you give power to a selevt few there will be problems, money and power corrupt, leaving godless shells of men, who then have no compunctions when it comes to mistreating they're own people. Dont ever get the idea that this great satan of ours (usa) Is some how the right way though, if your in the lower class you are basically subjected to the same crud as chinas people. Mundane, repetive jobs whose essential purpose is to divide the scraps the classes above them drop, ie there arent enough jobs for everyone, so by making them crappy and under paid it makes for high turnover so that nobody has to starve all the time.

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