
What is choir like....?

by  |  earlier

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I was thinking about joining the school choir this year, but i have NO idea what its like. Can you tell me what they do? Is it hard? I really want to improve my voice so should I take it, will it help?




  1. YoU will love choir 0.o. you might sing in a forign lang.  but its pretty easy

  2. you'll learn how to breathe properly, learn the breakdowns of the different sections, bass, tenor, alto, soprano.  Work seperately & collectively on songs & eventually perform concerts.

    Good times.  

  3. OMG i loooovvvvvveeeee choir. most people do. It's a good place to test, learn, and have fun with your voice. Its all up to you. But what have you got to lose? try it!

  4. Choir is very dramatic. You'll run into really s****. girls... but with voice lessons you could become a great singer. I suggest joining though. =D great experience.

    Ohoh, yeah, sorry, I'm such a space case.

    What I was gonna add was the competitions make it SUPER fun... arias are like the best thing on earth. Opera became my life for 4 years... and I didn't know I was such a good opera singer til I joined choir. I thought I'd do pop.

    But yeah! Join, what could it hurt, right?

    Good luck!

  5. choir is funn!!!!!!!!.....ur gonna fall in love wit it! well yeahh.its not hardd.u learn music related stuff, new songs, and lots of thingss, warm-ups r yeah..u should join!

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