
What is chromatography?

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What is chromatography?




  1. GC




  2. It's any of various techniques for the separation of complex mixtures that rely on the differential affinities of substances for a gas or liquid mobile medium and for a stationary adsorbing medium through which they pass, such as paper, gelatin, or magnesia.

  3. It is a is a method of separating chemical mixtures into their components in other words broad range of physical methods used to separate and or to analyze complex mixtures. The components to be separated are distributed between two phases: a stationary phase bed and a mobile phase which percolates through the stationary bed.

    Any of various techniques for the separation of complex mixtures that rely on the differential affinities of substances for a gas or liquid mobile medium and for a stationary adsorbing medium through which they pass, such as paper, gelatin, or magnesia. many other absorbent materials, and they may be made into sheets on a backing, or used to fill columns ("column chromatography") or tubing. There are literally hundreds of available packing materials. The solvent or eluent is chosen to be not too good, meaning it will not simply dissolve all of the test material and sweep it through the medium, but will allow the competition between mobile phase (where the chemicals can move) and stationary phase (where the chemicals are held by the medium), as the competition is crucial for separation to occur.

    hromatography has so many wonderful applications in the biotech industry

  4. Chromatography is the separation of different colours of ink on filtration paper, you draw a line on filtration paper put a felt pen mark put it in water but make sure the felt pen mark isn't coloured wait a while and all the different colours the ink is made from will separate out this can be used for other substances aswell.

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