
What is circumcision?who do tht practice?is it compulsory to do?

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What is circumcision?who do tht practice?is it compulsory to do?




  1. circumcision is the act of removing the flappy skin at the end of a mans p***s known as the f******n, this is usually done when the male is a baby or the early years of infancy, it is done either for religious or medical beliefs, jewish boys must be circumcised for there religious beliefs, and some people belief that it is safer to have the f******n removed to try prevent infection, but there is no evidence that the f******n inhibits invection, but to answer ur question it is not compulsory at all to have the f******n removed

  2. Most men worldwide do not do this practice. Jews and Muslims do it as it was designed to decrease interest in masturbation and sexual pleasure. It used to be promoted for medical reasons in other countries though those were found to be false so it's been abandoned in almost all developed nations.


  3. it is the removal f******n on your genitals... the practice was traced back to the Biblical times when God told abraham to circucise for the covenant.

    it is up to you if you want to be circumcised... im happy with myself being cicumcised!

  4. Cicumcision is the removel of extra skin which covers the nipple of the p***s.It is practice by Muslims & Jews.Actually thay pocket under the loose skin is a good place for germs incubation  & needs to be clean very often, to avoid infection & spreading it to others. Nowadays the doctors recommend its removal. .

  5. Circumcision is the surgical removal of the f******n. It may be done for religious reasons - it is compulsory in the Jewish religion, Islam and in the Coptic Christian church. It was strongly recommended within days of birth as a preventative health measure in the English-speaking world. It is still widely practised in the USA and in countries where the USA has a strong influencebut where there was no previous tradition of circumcision such as Korea.Neonatal circumcision has become a controversial subject. In most European countries it is rarely done amongst the general population except on medical grounds. Medical indications are for balanitis and phimosis.

  6. It means to cut off the f******n of the p***s.

    It became popular a long time ago in the US because a famous doctor said that it cured masturbation. Circumcision used to just remove the tip of the f******n but now they remove nearly all of it. The point is to make the p***s numb in comparison and make s*x less enjoyable for both men and women.

    Today, circumcision is still very common but losing popularity. Many doctors are pro-circumcision because they were cut as babies and think that everyone should have to lose what they lost.

    I am in the US and I was circumcised as a baby and I'm very angry that this goes on. I am currently trying to grow more skin on my p***s non-surgically to create something similar to a natural f******n.

  7. Circumcision is the removal of the f******n on the p***s. This is either done by a doctor or a moyle (if you are jewish). It's a common practice usually done early on in the child's life. Besides religious reasons, it's also done for health reasons. Things can get stuck in the f******n and cause irritation or infections and can sometimes give the women you sleep with infections if you don't take care of yourself and wash it out properly.

  8. circumcision became popular in america during the victorian era when masturbation was considered unhealthy and unclean, the f******n is 4 times more sensitive then whats left in a circumcised p***s so it does reduce sexual pleasure

    it can also be somewhat undone by non surgical f******n restoration

  9. Its when you cut the f******n of a mans p***s of, its not really compulsory, some believe its cleaner.. Some religions, say that it is compulsory.

  10. A circumcision is where a piece of skin covering the glans (or head) of the p***s is cut off. Taker a look at this blog - it contains pictures:

    It is not common in Europe .  It is only common in the USA.  It is usually done a short time after birth.  This is called routine infant circumcision.  Many parents are now deciding not to do it.  No medical association in the world recommends it. Here is a video of the procedure:

    Look here for how  a normal p***s is supposed to work:

    On the underside of the f******n are special touch-sensitive nerves that are stimulated as the skin moves up and down.  A circumcised man loses this because he has no skin left.   The shape and functionality and sensitiveness of the p***s is lost so it is no longer designed to work as well with the v****a:

    Top 10 ways circmcison harms women:

  11. Circumcision is the removal of the f******n of the p***s.  It is practiced by jews and muslims for religious reasons.  Practiced by americans, parts of Canada, koreans, philipinos for health and cosmetic reasons.  the benefits outweigh any disadvantages.  Less Std,s, Hiv, Uri, cancer of the p***s.  

    see these sites for more info.  

  12. removal of f******n

    muslims(religious), jews(religious), americans(cosmetic) and filipinos(cosmetic).

    compulsary for religious reasons

    unless for medical reasons its very uncessasry and such cosmetic violence with no consent

    should only be accepted if the benefits exceed the negatives and they


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