
What is clairvoyance

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over the past years i have had feeling of thing like something bad would

and the feeling of a sad feeling every time i get this feeling it will my mom said shes clairvoyance(what ever that is)

and she thinks that i might have what she my mom nuts or is

there something really called clairvoyance???




  1. Clairvoyance is the (psychic) ability to read minds and tell the future. They go together. And yes, its real.

  2. Your mom is nuts.

    There is no such thing as clairvoyance.

    Which reminds me, I need to add that to my list of things that don't exist.

    Others will stroke you with snake oil stories about Paranormal c**p.

    Don't believe them. They are Wrong.

  3. Clairvoyance is the apparent ability to gain information about an object, location or physical event through means other than the known human senses. It is a form of extra-sensory perception. A person said to have the ability of clairvoyance is referred to as a clairvoyant ("one who sees clear").

  4. Er.. yes. It's in the dictionary.

    Clairvoyance is the ability to see visions, usually of the future. Similarly, clairaudience is the ability to hear spirit voices.

    It may be that your family is sensitive to the atmosphere around you. Some people believe that it is an extra sense, a kind of super intuition. Try listening to yourself and see if your feelings of foreboding actually correspond to real predictions.

    You might also want to test your psychic ability. You could try the Zener card test. Psychologists have found evidence that humans can react to negative stimuli before it happens.  
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