
What is class consicousness?

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marx theory that goes into self-awareness of one culture in regards to class position. For example would you say difference in pay between women and men Mexican migrants be labeled as class consciousness? another ex; would dressing like americans back in mexico be considered a class consciousness?? me out thanks!!!




  1. I think a good description of class consciousness would be Regency period in England. Everything was about connections with your own class.

    Titled people even if the family fortune had been lost considered themselves superior.

    If you were a merchant, no matter how rich, you were still below nobility.

    If you were of the working class (peasants) you were lower than both.

    It was considered a social indiscretion to associate with those not of your class.

    In Edwardian England a servant was so low that their employer's did not even recognize their existence. In many households if a servant was dusting in a hallway and a member of the family walked by they were expected to become invisible including facing the wall. They were not allowed to speak unless spoken to and were never to make eye contact with the "betters." People were expected to know their place and were destined to never rise above it.

    Even in the States you hear the phrase, "old money and new money." New monied peopled are looked down upon as they are usurping the order of the class conscious.

    That is my personal understand, I hope I helped.

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