
What is classed as a BIG Baby?

by Guest63172  |  earlier

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I am having my third baby early December, the midwife hasn't been up for my idea of a home-birth at all, but i had my booking in at hospital and they said their is NO reason what so ever that I shouldn't have my baby at home.

Now a few weeks down the line my midwife is saying she will not say if I can until later on. Her reasons are that my partner is 6 foot and I am 5 foot. even though the hospital know my first two had a father the same height, they had NO complications in birth, not even a tearing. They were normal weights etc. Ive had my two scans and the baby is a normal size, nothing wrong at all, she hasn't started measuring my bump yet either. I'm 24 weeks.

Is she trying to get out of a home-birth?




  1. A big baby is anything over 9lbs I think.

  2. Your Midwife should be encouraging you for a home birth. See another Midwife (there's normally three or more on the team)Find out why she is discouraging it,ie any health issues, their availability.

    I was told baby #2 was big but he weighed just 7lb 12. A big baby is anything over 9lb.

    Good Luck

  3. I dont agree with home births, my 1st pregnancy was perfect no complications at all but when I was in labour (last 10 minutes) my son's heart rate dropped dramatically, they had to use a vacuum, he needed to be resusitated and was in special care for 5 days, if I had of been at home my son would have died!!!  he was only 7lb 3oz

    My 2nd baby was 10lb 11oz and this baby is going to be around the same weight

    Why be selfish in having your baby at home when you can be in hospital if God forbid anything happened and you needed medical attention ASAP

  4. This one:

  5. If you have had 2 previous birth's with no complications and you have no other medical history. There is no reason why you should not go ahead with a home birth it is your choice! A midwife is there to advice you not tell you what to do. She should talk to you about home birth and what it involves. If you still want to go ahead with it then that is YOUR choice. You can ask to have another midwife if you feel the midwife that is caring for you currently is not being proactive about your idea's. A large baby is anything over 4.5kg which is 9ld 9oz but if you have previously had big babies then there is a good chance there will be no problem with you delivering this baby. Obviously without all your medical history and previous birth experience i can not say for definite but from what you have said there is no reason why you should not have a home birth. I hope this helps  

  6. She is trying to protect you and your baby!!!

    The more babies you have, the greater their birth weights are likely to be. Childbirth is extremely risky and there are many complications that can arise. A century ago, it was common for women to die during childbirth because of a lack of modern medical intervention. There are many births that don't require intervention, but it's often not known which will have complications until after labour begins.

    A home birth might seem like a nice idea, but if something goes wrong, your baby could die or suffer permanent disability before you can get help.

    Have you thought about booking into a birthing centre attached to a hospital? These can have the relaxed feel of a home, while being close to medical assistance if it is required.

  7. It is your choice as to whether you have a home birth or not unless there is a medical reason why you shouldn't.  Why don't you see if you can get another midwife.  

  8. I had a 9lb 6oz baby, so to me that was BIG but apparently to classify as big they need to be 9lb 9oz or above!! Not sure if she's trying to get our of it or not. I'm 5 foot 6 and so is my partner so the only reason that I can think of as to why I had a big baby is because I ate too. If you want a home birth you should speak to another midwife or health visitor because it is up to you where you have you're baby (as long as there's no health risks for you and your baby). Hope this helps

  9. Anything over 8lbs

  10. The Smallest babies always grow up to be the chubbiest the big babies always grow to be the slimer.

    I was 5lb.

  11. I think, technically, it's 9lb10. Having had one 9lb5 and one 9lb 8, also with minimal complications, and only gas and air, I would say that if you feel your body is capable go for it. Be prepared to transfer to hospital of hospital if necessary, but remember it's your pregnancy and your baby, therefore it's your decision not the midwife's. Stand your ground.

  12. I'm not sure whats classed as big but my daughter was 10 pound 6 and they didn't really say much about her size, she did manage to get stuck a little when she was born, and they needed to give her oxygen straight away, so that's definitely something to think about. if you really want a home birth then id talk to your o.b and ask him/her for their advice and then relay this to your midwife. good luck and i hope it works out well for you and the little one. ( or the not so little on, lol)

  13. Big baby to me is over 9lbs.. But 8lb is approaching it.. My daughter was 7lb on the dot.. Lovely little thing she were, really cuddly.. all arms, legs and like a bean pole now..

  14. 6 to 9 lbs is the average size for a newborn baby so anything over that.  

  15. yes it sounds like she is i would say a big baby is anything over 8 lbs 7 ozs personally

  16. One that's massive.

  17. She might not want ot get your hopes up. Just stay positive and hope for the best.

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