
What is classed as sexual harassment?

by  |  earlier

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on holiday me and my friend were mobbed by a group of 11-12 boys. we weren't sure whether to go the police. what does sexual harassment include? thanks




  1. lol...for years I thought it was "HER-***" not harassment

  2. Calling a girl anything derogatory "I wanna you", insinuating they want to have s*x with you/trying to have s*x, inappropriate grabbing of private areas like groping bum/breast, being pinned up against a wall, sexist remarks.

  3. Hi there

    In the UK sexual harassment is recognised by the s*x Discrimination Act 1974.  The courts consider sexual harassment to be in essence unwanted attention.  If someone is saying or doing things which you consider to be harassment, then (in essence) it's capable of being sexual harassment.

    Whether conduct amounts to SH is considered through the eyes of the person being harassed, not the harrasser.

    Having said that, there's no criminal offence of sexual harassment. Its a civil remedy, usually in the context of treatment by an employer or prospective employer.

    You are describing a form of assault or using threatening words or behaviour (both of which are criminal offences)  or harrassment under the Prevention of Harassment Act (which can lead to an injunction).

    Sorry this is a bit wordy, but it's a serious subject.  

  4. Bring your friend to P. W.'s place.  We will give you a free demonstration.

  5. derogatory comments is enough as sexual harassment these days

    yet alone them groping/touching you without your permission

    go to the police otherwise these boys will never learn

    they may do something more serious to someone else next time

  6. well if you felt uncomfortable it probably was you should tell your parents..

  7. If you felt like they were wrong and broke the law, why NOT go to the police? What they do depends on exactly what you mean by "mobbed". Did they grab your b*****s, butt or crotch? They yes, it was illegal. If not, and they "just" made you feel uncomfortable and threatened, then no, it was probably just wrong and not illegal. These boys are probably known by the cops, and what the cops do may depend on the boys' history.  

  8. when you say mobbed what do you mean, where they just being over friendly or where they making comments about you and making rude remarks ??

  9. Come over here and I will show you.

  10. sounds rather kinky to me! Or when they whip it out and start to, well ya'Know? Infront of ya!

  11. when a boy looks @ you from behind and start cooing like some fking pigeon....or if they make you feel uncomfortable, yeah, i'd go with that...

  12. Anything involving touching sexually or a sexual act, carried out without your consent.

  13. Well in my opinion sexual harrasment is any physical contact that is inappropriate and/or you are not comfortable with. with you being mobbed i definatley suggest going to the police as they hopefully will help alot also i got this from wikipedia to help you:

    Sexual harassment is harassment or unwelcome attention of a sexual nature. It includes a range of behavior from mild transgressions and annoyances to serious abuses, which can even involve forced sexual activity.

  14. Anything that makes another person feels uncomfortable.  I mean anything, if talking about airplains makes an individual uncomfortable then you are harassing that person weather it is sexually or other.

  15. What exactly did these boys do ,then we can give you more advice

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