
What is clomid and how is it to be taken? is it a tablet? Are there any risks of taking it? I have a cycle of

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that ranges from 45-55 days. My doc told me that she can give me something to make me ovulate more frequently. Will she give me clomid? i am ttc. Should i go in for this? Is it completely safe? or are there any harmful effects. i am 23 years old.




  1. Fertility pill...

    It does have side effects such as causes cysts on your ovaries. But that doesn't always happen.

    I've taken it 5 times for 5 days each time. 1 tab/ 1 day for 5 days.

    I have a cyst on my right ovary but I did get pregnant on the 5th cycle

  2. I took two cycles of Clomid, and didn't have any effects, I have PCOS, I only stopped the Clomid because my husband and I decided that it wasn't the best time to have kids. I have heard from different people that it can make you VERY angry or moody. For me, the two times that I did take it, I never did ovulate, but it does take time for it to work. From what I understood by talking to my OB, Clomid is one of the first steps in fertility treatment. I was told that if the Clomid didn't work within a certain amount of time then they would go on to do other tests such as a sperm count on my husband and further fertility tests on me. Hope that was somewhat helpful. Here is a WebMD article on it as well

  3. I can only speak for myself here...but I will NEVER take Clomid again!

    See, I was trying to get pregnant, and would miscarry every pregnancy I conceived.

    The doctors looked at me and saw fibroid tumors and PCOS and assumed that I had ovulation problems, and tried to convince me that my periods every 28 to 30 days was "breakthrough bleeding" and that I wasn't ovulating.

    Looking back on it...gee...if I wasn't ovulating, how was I getting know?  UGH

    Anyway, they put me on the lowest dose of clomid, and I became the ****** from heck!

    My husband told me "I love you" and I hauled off and hit him!  The intense rage was something I had NEVER experienced before in my life!

    So, think long and hard about it...but for me, I will NEVER take it again!

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