
What is co-teaching?? confused?

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i want to know what is co-teaching and whats so special or good of doing it ect.........

Thank You :)




  1. Teachers co-teach in an inclusion class. There is a class of students, mixed regular ed and special ed. There are two teachers-one on the general ed side and one special ed teacher.

    In an ideal situation, children with special needs learn in a regular classroom with non disabled peers. Both teachers work as a team- or one unit to teach and support the ENTIRE class. The sped teacher modifies the curriculum for the sped kids and make sure IEPs are being adhered to. However, every child benefits from the instruction of 2 teachers instead of 1.

    On the flip side, two teachers with extremely different personalities are told they must team teach. One teacher is very territorial and bosssy. She views the class as hers and the special ed teacher is an outsider who is just getting in the way. They don't get along, they don't plan together. The kids see the discord and pit the 2 teachers against each other. It's a bad situation to be in. The class is highly unbalanced, with it being a dumping ground for the special ed kids and the worst behaved general ed kids. Argh, now it's just chaos across the board.

    The second situation was a reality for me. I left inclusion to work in a small self-contained class. Inclusion only works if everyone is on the same page and they need to be for the sake of the kids.

  2. Co-teaching is typically when two teachers team up to teach students. It allows the teachers to work with student at different levels. You can break the students into groups based on their needs. Instead of one teacher offering social studies to every student of all different ability levels. They can break the students into two groups and teach two different levels.

  3. Co teaching is when 2 teachers teach one class together. There is nothing great about it but some teachers work better in this situation while others work much better teaching alone. The good of doing it is there is alway someone else in the room that can help you. For example if there is a certain lesson that you dont feel you can teach well than let the other teacher teach it. Also in different ackward situations. Alot of times schools only do co-teaching when there is a new teacher and she needs help the first year getting used to teaching.

  4. Co-teaching is great, because it lowers the student to teacher ratio.  This allows the teacher to better differentiate the instruction to meet the needs of the individual students.  So, instead of just teaching one lesson and expecting the students to fit the teaching, you can change your methods of teaching to meet the needs of the students.

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