
What is cockfighting?

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tell me where itis popular

wer is it held

how is it played

how wud u compare it in a horseracing

answer plzzzz




  1. Cockfighting is when they train c***s to fight.  They attach spikes or razors to their feet so they can slash or stab at one another.  They fight to the death.  It is a cruel and barbaric 'sport' enjoyed only by people devoid of any kind of moral compass.

    People wager on which animal will die first, and then watch the fight.

    In America it is highly illegal, if you are caught at an event when it is raided, they will confiscate your money and you'll be in a lot of trouble.

    It is legal in some third world countries.

  2. male chickens fighting popuour in the 16th century in the elizabethen times or jacabean

    i think its ilegal today and its nothing like racing some horses as the roosters have to fight till the death like dog fighting wich are both verry cruel and are ilegal in england

  3. It is where roosters fight with each other until one dies. Usually a metal spike is attached to the feet of the rooster to inflict more pain. It is brutal and illegal in many civilized areas, including all of the U.S. But it is popular in backrooms of bars in some areas of the U.S. The people involved can get jail time for animal cruelty if caught.

    And other than animals are involved I would not compare it to horse racing. The closest thing would be dog fighting (another evil and brutal "sport").

  4. its horrible.

    its not like racing AT ALL

    two male roosters are put in a cage and they fight, its nature for them to kill eachother. which ever rooster kills the other first wins.

    asking this question is disturbing.

    first of all its illegal so no one is going to post where its done on here

    and second its cruel and taking advantage of a animals instinct.

    dont even think about it...

  5. it is when roosters are raised to fight. they have razors atached to there feet and are put in a cage to fight till the death. it is illegal in the USA. and horesracing is completely diffrent because it is a race and normaly no horse dies.  

  6. Bend over and ill show you

    No seriously its where to male chickens aka "c***s" fight to the death and wagers are made by spectators on who will be victorious.

    -Its held in secret locations because it mostly outlawed

    -its not really played because the participants are animals.

    -Its not very similer to horse racing aside form the fact that wagers are made on the winners,  

  7. Chickens fighting with razors, it is cruel, never get into it.

  8. c**k fighting is when two roosters basically fight to the death. Though not all the fights are to the death, the roosters do endure quite a bit of physical trauma which may lead to death.

    The fight is held in a ring called a cockpit.

    It is popular in Latin America, Asia, and the Pacific Islands.

    Compared to horseracing... c**k fighting is MUCH worse, hence it being illegal in the US.

  9. 2 fighting roosters right in a ring, object is for one to kill the other. would be held in backyards and stuff. people bet on the winner. om pretty sure its illegal. its like dog fighting
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