
What is coke made from??

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  1. from caffeine, sugar, carbonated water i think.

  2. One thing you should know is Coke contains Phosphoric Acid.

    Put a nail in a glass of Coka Cola come back after 4 days.

    Good luck

  3. coke is made from wartered down cocain in mexico.

  4. Published accounts say it contains (or once contained) sugar crystals, caramel, caffeine, phosphoric acid, coca leaf and kola nut extract, lime extract, flavoring mixture, vanilla and glycerin. Merchandise 7X is the "secret ingredient" in Coca-Cola and has apparently remained a secret since its formulation in 1886. Alleged syrup recipes vary greatly, and Coca-Cola reluctantly admits the formula has changed over the decades. For example, the formula was changed in 1935 with the help of Rabbi Tobias Geffen of Atlanta to allow it to be certified kosher.

    The basic “cola” taste from Coca-Cola and competing cola drinks comes mainly from vanilla and cinnamon; distinctive tastes among various brands are the result of trace flavorings such as orange, lime and lemon and spices such as nutmeg.

    Amateur sleuths have tried to reverse-engineer the production process and ingredients. The secret formula is the subject of books, speculation and marketing lore. Aided by modern analytical methods, food scientists can easily identify the composition of food products, including Coca-Cola.The company consistently claims that all published recipes are incorrect.

    The employees who know the full recipe must fly on separate planes when travelling, and cannot be left alone with strangers while they are together.To this day, Coca-Cola uses as an ingredient a coca leaf extract prepared by a Stepan Company plant in Maywood, New Jersey, using a process monitored by the Drug Enforcement Administration. Because cocaine is naturally present in coca leaves, today's Coca-Cola uses "spent", or treated, coca leaves, those that have been through a cocaine extraction process, to flavor the beverage. Some contend that this process cannot extract all of the cocaine alkaloids at a molecular level, and so the drink still contains trace amounts of the stimulant.[The Coca-Cola Company currently refuses to comment on the continued presence of coca leaf in Coca-Cola.

    In an infamous corporate disaster, Coca-Cola introduced New Coke in 1985. After public outcry, the recipe was restored to the original "classic" formula, the only change being Coca-Cola bottlers in the United States replacing the traditional sucrose with cheaper corn syrup; Coca-Cola is still sweetened with cane sugar in most of the world

    Recipe 1

    This recipe is attributed to a sheet of paper found in an old formulary book owned by Coca-Cola inventor, John S. Pemberton, just before his death (U.S. measures):


    1 oz caffeine citrate

    3 oz citric acid

    1 fl oz extract vanilla

    1 qt lime juice

    2½ oz flavoring

    30 lb (14 kg) sugar

    4 fl oz fluid extract of coca (decocainized flavor essence of the coca leaf)

    35 oz cocaine

    2½ gal water

    Caramel sufficient


    80 Oil orange

    40 Oil cinnamon

    120 Oil lemon

    20 Oil coriander

    40 Oil nutmeg

    40 Oil neroli

    1 qt alcohol


    "Mix caffeine acid and lime juice in 1 quart boiling water add vanilla and flavoring when cool. Let stand for 24 hours."

    This recipe does not specify when sugar, coca, caramel or the rest of the water are added.

  5. Coca-Cola contains carbonated water, phosphoric acid, high fructose corn syrup (sugar), caramel color, natural flavors, and caffeine.

    Merchandise 7X is the "secret ingredient" in Coca-Cola and has apparently remained a secret since its formulation in 1886.

  6. Its made from the coka plant the best locations are Columbia and Mexico but by the time it gets to the States it is cut down to 40% at best

  7. apparently in America they use it to clean dead bodies off the ground after accidents..

    High in acid or something along theses lines!!

    I still love it...

  8. While there is normaly cola nut in most colas it is not what gives it the flavor we enjoy. Most of the flavor for colas comes from vanilla and cinnamon. The exact amounts and other flavor providing ingredient amounts is closely guarded by Coke.

    Other ingredients include carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup, caffeine, caramel colloring, and sodium too I believe. There is more than that but this is the basics of coke and other colas.

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