
What is cold hosing?

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Hey there, so my trainer asked me if I could help with one of her schooling horses, he is my total favorite, and I'd do anything for him, so she wants me to cold hose him, and walk him, what is cold hosing exactly? D: They said he had some kind of like injury on his jaw, and it was oozing. So could somebody explain this to me?




  1. Spraying an area on a horse that is inflamed to reduce swelling. It also increases blood flow to the area because the cold causes the blood vessels to constrict and then when cold hosing has stopped, the blood warms and flows. Increased blood flow is what heals tissues.

  2. Letting the cold water from a water hose and faucet, run over the 'selected' area on a horse.  Usually the legs...but I've used it where ever I had an injury or swelling.  Even on the jaws, under the chin, bellies, backs...anywhere really.  I just make sure the hose is not on high.  A gentle flow will still get the cold water on the injury or swelling without hurting or spooking the horse.

  3. A hose pipe on light flow is used on an injury to reduce heat and swellings. Normally on the legs.

    I have not heard of cold hosing a jaw.

  4. It just means running cold water on the wound or injury (usually from a hose).  The cold water helps with pain and inflammation, of the site, as well as cleaning.  It's a very common "prescription" in the horse world.
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