
What is colombia's culture like?

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What is colombia's culture like?




  1. Colombias culture is different in different geografical sections.  For example, the people of Bogota are called Rollos and the People of Medellin Are called Paisas While people of Barranquilla are cosidered Costenos. Like people from massachusetts and texas have different accents, rollos, paisas, and costenos have different accents.  Some of the foods are different Like near the coast seafood is popular in the country steak is popular in bogota ajiaco or a potato soup is the popular dish.  Now as for the music, althought salsa, vallenato and cumbia are popular throughout the country, Cali is more known for salsa whil medellin is more know for vallenato or cumbia.

    I wouldn't reccomend because it is difficult to navigate.

    I would check out for more info.

    Here is a really in depth wikipedia article about Colombian Culture if you want to dig through it:

  2. Its true,, so much there hard to explain it all.. but great people, great country, the climate vary's greatly,,,many very rural areas and many big cities...I lived there for two years and would like to go can learn a great deal by going to the web site..""...

  3. As everyone has said before you have to be there to live it. It all depends on the time of the year you go, what region you go to and what do you want to do down there. different regions have different subcultures and each month there's a different festivity:P

  4. Its a typical latin american country with its own unique twist..

    The people the enjoy music called ballenato (ba-ye-na-to)

    and their native cumbia. They also listen to music that is native in their fellow latin countries. You know you have to dance. Like many latin american culture colombia's is too hard to explain in one or a couple of paragraphs, your just gonna have to go there your self!

  5. Colombian Culture

    -Very warm and friendly people, Like you dont even have to get to know them first , they just open up to you

    -Love to dance, and really express themselves corporally and verbally


    -The guys dress very nice starting at a young age. Very classy.

    -A lot more principals and more moral structure then you see in the states. Think of the United States in the 50's , the way they acted, minus the old fashion and all that stuff

    -beauiful locations, beauiful cities

    -they take their education VERY seriously, like extremely

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