
What is colonization?

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What is the definition of colonization and what were the effects of colonization in Africa? What did colonization look like in the 1960's & 1970's?




  1. Colonization is when one nation starts a settlement in another country and those people are citizens of the mother country.

  2. Colonization is when one group of people migrates to an area and keeps the original language and culture of their homeland, they don't have to be citizens of another country.

    Spanish speaking mexicans who refuse to speak English or adopt American culture would be an example of people who are colonists rather than immigrants.

    Colonization in Africa was largely beneficial to both the colonists and the native blacks. While blacks were often denied the right to vote, they had access to medicines and education that weren't available prior to colonisation. Better farming practices meant that famines all but dissappeared in those countries with European colonials. Rhodesia was considered the break basket of Africa because it produced so much food, now that all the White farmers have been got rid of, the country, now called Zimbabwe, has a food shortage and relies on other countries to feed its people.

    Colonisation also saw the rise of modern cities in sub-Saharan Africa including railways, airports and major roads all linking people together.

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