
What is commission i wanna know what it is!

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What is it???




  1. If you are asking about commissions in the context of investing, it is the amount that you are charged by the stock broker for assisting you with a trade; for example, buying or selling a stock or bond.  

  2. Pay based on your sales.  You earn a certain percentage of your total sales for a specified time period.

  3. When you are talking about investing, commission is the amount of money that brokerage firms charge for helping you make a trade.  Some brokers charge a flat fee rate while others might charge a certain amount for each share transacted.  Different brokers have different commission rates.  For example, the broker I currently use, Firstrade ( ), charges $6.95 per trade.  Etrade and Schwab charge $12.99 per trade.  TD Ameritrade charges $9.99 per trade and Scottrade charges $7 per trade.

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