
What is conservation?

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I know we all talk about it as being super important and we all know that it is wonderful for the environment, but what really is the definition of conservation?




  1. Conservation means the act of preserving, guarding, or protecting; the keeping (of a thing) in a safe or entire state; preservation.

  2. conservation in simple terms just means

    to save our resources. we should conserve  our resources to the minimum limit so that our needs our also satisfied and the future generation also doesnt face any problem.

    for example:

    water. we waste water a lot especially in the gulf reigons and the developed countries like usa and canada.  there are very little fresh water resources and  we are exploiting them a lot. if we do not conserve water it will not last long.

    thats wwhy conservation is important.

  3. The opposite of senseless destruction

  4. Conservation is the act of conserving, which means to save or hold something back from disappearing. Like animal species that are on the endangered list, if they're not being conserved delicately then they will become extinct. Or the expiration of something like cheese where you try to conserve it after the expiration date, hoping it won't spoil, but it might.

  5. Conservation is just solution to pollution.

  6. A multidisciplinary science created to deal with the crisis of maintaining the genes, species, communities, and ecosystems that make up earth's biological diversity.

  7. Wise use. Not necessarily preservation and rarely all-out exploitation.

    Conservation, defined this way, gives you a pretty good philosophy of life. What is the wisest use of my time? my money? What is the wisest use of all the candidates running for an office? What is the wisest use of all the courses I can sign up for?

  8. a careful preservation and protection of something; especially planned management of a natural resource to prevent exploitation, destruction, or neglect

    the preservation of a physical quantity during transformations or reactions

    Preserving something so that it will last longer basically.

  9. definition

    a desperate move to prolong human existence

    by preserving our much needed  natural resources.  


    we humans are part of the worlds eco systems and depend on them for our survival

    just because you cannot see the connection or the importance does not make it any less

    some people say they don`t like mosquito`s .lets kill them all

    Well they tried that on the banks of the Danube and all of the life in the wood disappeared,the mosquito's being near the bottom of the food chains of many animals

    just think what all eats mosquito's and their larvae

    birds ,toads ,frogs ,lizards ,fish ,other insects like dragon flies,then think what all eats those things ,foxes,other birds,weasels,snakes,etc.

    and then what eats all who eats them .

    Now with the bees disappearing in many places there are huge problems with crops not being pollinated .

    Endangered species also play their parts ,in eco systems that have been fine tuned for millions of years .

    the more species become endangered ,the more endangered we will become our selves .Because we are on the top .

    Apart from that what kind of world do you want the children to inherit???

    Our generation and the ones before us have managed to destroy more in a hundred years that all of Humanity in the history of the planet

    Somewhere along the line should be the sense of responsibility

    Are we guardians of the lands we ocupy during our life time and during the seconds of the lands existence ,as Native Americans believe ,(they do not think of themselves as owners )

    But we do ,

    so do we have the right to wipe it all out in the brief moment that we are here or is the land also meant for those who come after????????

  10. 1. The act or process of conserving.

    2. Preservation or restoration from loss, damage, or neglect: manuscripts saved from deterioration under the program of library conservation.

    3. The protection, preservation, management, or restoration of wildlife and of natural resources such as forests, soil, and water.

    4. The maintenance of a physical quantity, such as energy or mass, during a physical or chemical change.

    5. the act of conserving; prevention of injury, decay, waste, or loss; preservation: conservation of wildlife; conservation of human rights.

    6. official supervision of rivers, forests, and other natural resources in order to preserve and protect them through prudent management.

    7. a district, river, forest, etc., under such supervision.

    8. the careful utilization of a natural resource in order to prevent depletion.

    9. the restoration and preservation of works of art.
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