
What is considered Hurricane season for Jamaica? What dates or months?

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What is considered Hurricane season for Jamaica? What dates or months?




  1. June 1st to November 30th

  2. June to Nov

  3. June 1 to November 30, with August and September being the peak months. However, the Caribbean region is more vast than most people think, and the chances of any single island being hit directly by a hurricane are very slim. Most often, islands will only receive the heavy rains that come on the outskirts of a hurricane, avoiding the most extreme weather conditions. Direct hits on Jamaica by major storms are so rare, in fact, that many elder Jamaican inhabitants still relate events in history to being before or after "the storm" because they may have only seen one or two of significance in their lifetimes.

  4. June 1 to November 31

  5. Generally speaking it is June to late October but hurricanes have hit in november as well

  6. June.... too soon

    July... stand by

    August... almost

    September... remember

    October... it's almost over

    November... it's over

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