
What is considered a class c felony in arkansas? and what are the possible punishments?

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What is considered a class c felony in arkansas? and what are the possible punishments?




  1. A class C felony in Arkansas is punishable by a minimum of 3 and not more than 10 years, however to define what would constitute a Class C felony is impossible because there are a myriad of charges in all types of offenses that would rise to the level of  a class C felony. An example would be the display of a deceased remains for monetary gain by anyone other than a funeral director on a second offense is a class C felony.~

  2. Search the phrase "Arkansas code". One of the first few pages should take you to a searchabe, often the case, database of Arkansas state laws, though you might want to replace the state's name with that of the most relevant city(ies) therein, if you want a more localized result.

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