
What is considered a good time to get from home to first base in fastpitch softball?

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How about the average time to field and throw? How do you increase your speed? I find myself hitting infield grounders and being out by a half of a step... I'm a righty if it helps.




  1. If u were a lefty it would help it cause that half- step is wat it takes to get out of the box for a Righty u would be safe if u were a lefty. Run suicides it helped me. About 4seconds to 4.1seconds is a good time.

  2. As long as you can beat Manny's time of 5.7 sec to first base you should be ok.  Actually about 4 secs is considered good.  

    The time to field and throw varies depending on position that the person was in when they fielded the ball, whether they have to turn and how cleanly the ball is fielded.  A good infileder should be able to field and throw in less than 1 second.

    The easiest way to increase your speed is to do sprints to first base.  Also you can do spinning (at the gym take a spinning class).  The key is to increase the speed of your fast twitch muscles.

    If you find yourself hitting into infield ground outs try taking a level swing.  I bet you are either pulling your head out by trying to hit the ball to hard, hitting the ball on the top or swinging down onto the ball.  Practice keeping your eye on the ball and your head level.  You will start hitting line drives if you keep your head level, keep your eye on the ball and swing level.  Then your time to first base will not matter.

  3. 1. 4 seconds and you're out unless you're playing a bad team. I don't think a single person on my team (and we have a couple big girls) was above a 3.5. It depends though on your age (I'm talking high school). The fastest on my team was 2.8 seconds.

    2. Faster than the runner.

    3. Sprints. Run from home to first, go back home then run from home to first to second (all at once), and go back home, and go all around the bases several times. Suicides.

  4. The question is for fastpitch. Anything around four seconds in fastpitch will keep you on the bench. You must be around 3.25 for a fast righty and under 3 for a lefty.

    Work on fast twitch muscles by doing alot of jumping, hopping type exercises. Try to improve your reaction and burst motions.

  5. 4 seconds

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