
What is considered a muggy uncomfortable dewpoint?

by Guest21185  |  earlier

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When people along the eastern coast of the United States complain about awful humidity in the summer, what kind of dewpoints are involved?

Today in western Oregon some of us have to deal with temperatures in the 90s and dewpoints in the low to mid 60s, and it sure feels sticky, but high humidity isn't very common here.




  1. When the dewpoint gets to 65 many people feel uncomfortable, when it's up to 70 most people feel uncomfortable, and if it gets to 75 or higher you'd better lay off the physical activities.  I think it would be extremely rare, though, if you got dewpoints over 70 in Oregon.

  2. Peg had it right on the money. When the temps reach the 90s, dew points in the mid 60s is not too horribly bad. I live on the east coast of virginia and in the summer, we have temps that get too 100 degrees with dewpoints in the mid 70s. I have actually seen the dewpoint hit 80 once. We had a heat index of 130 degrees. Very miserable. But yeah, once the dew point gets higher than 70, it starts making the air miserable.

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