
What is considered a temperature that has gone down to fast?

by  |  earlier

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I think that was a little confusing, but I will try my best to explain what I mean.

People have told me to make sure my daughters temperature doesn't go down to fast. Well, I understand that, but what I don't understand is how do you know if the temperature has gone down to fast?

About 3 hours ago my daughters temp was 101.5. 30 minutes ago when I checked it again it was 101.9, went up a little, but not a cause for concern. So I just checked her temp again and it has gone down to 99.7. Did that go down to quickly? She's 13 months old and just got 4 shots this morning. I gave her Motrin about 2 1/2 - 3 hours ago.

Am I stressing to much about this? I guess I am just a little paranoid, but I get like this and ask a lot of questions every time she gets a temp.




  1. Huh, I have never heard about worrying about a temperature going down too fast...

    I know that there is concerns about fevers going UP to fast...that can lead to febrile seizures (my daughter had one)

    I wouldn't worry too much about it, the motrin maybe just finally kicked in, or it could just be from the shots.

  2. Thats not too fast! I woudn't worry about it.  If she had Motrin, thats why it dropped.  Too fast would be a sudden drop, like if you stuck her in a tub of ice, and her temp dropped several degrees in a matter of minutes.  No worries.  Thats not too much of a drop.

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