
What is considered lower upper class?

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So what is considered lower upper class or upper middle?




  1. Upper middle class consists of professionals, usually with a graduate degree, who usually earn around or above $100,000/yr.  Typical jobs include doctor, lawyer, engineer, architect, manager, college professor and accountant.  They have a large degree of autonomy in their work.  They place a very high value on education, and are willing to pay a lot to send their children to the best schools in hopes that they can attend a top university.  

    If you want to get a sense of the values and politics of the upper middle class, read the New York Times magazine.  It is the most upper middle class publication I have ever read.

    Lol I don't know if you can classify someone based on that description alone...class status depends mostly on income, job, and educational attainment.

  2. Sorry but only the British can fully explain the Class System, since they perfected it centuries ago.

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