
What is considered normal drinking of wine, beer, etc. ?

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What is considered normal drinking of wine, beer, etc. ?




  1. Beer - 1 to 5 is socially acceptable unless you're with friends who are also consuming copious amounts of it.

    Wine - 1 to 3 is generally alright. Watch red wine though as it contains sulfates which can lead to a nasty hangover. Stick to a nice Pinot Grigio if you're in the mood for wine.

    Shots - 1 or 2 maximum. Space this out if at all possible.

    Mixed Drinks - 1 to 3 depending on alcohol content. If we're talking a jack and coke, keep it low. If you're drinking giant margaritas with a half of a shot in them, then by all means, drink up.

    Be safe, don't drive if you're drunk. Use common sense.

  2. I think you could drink up to a 6 pack and be okay, and it depends how fast too. A six pack in 20 minutes or in 3 hours makes a difference.

  3. 2 or 3 is socially acceptable, more than that you are considered to be on a bender in the US

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