Now I am a stay at home mom and I babysit my 10 month old nephew as well! He was a big baby to begin with and from the time he was born up till about 4 months he was "over weight" but now is considered normal like he is big for his age but his weight matches his height and isnt considered over weight. Now this boy can eat the same things my daughter(2) eats....macaronni, mashed pototatoes,french fries, all pastas,small bite size peices of chicken and ground beef eggs, etc. My sister already buys him the Graduate Meals and snacks and he eats EVERYTHING!!! If we try to give him baby food he will turn his head and he only drinks his bottle when he goes to bed other then that all he wants is water!! His doctor says he is fine and just a healthy lil boy and to be prepared be cause in his words--we have a future line backer in our family-- but Do you think this is normal? My daughter can eat more food and bigger peices but he isnt too far behind!!!