
What is considered "normal" for a 10 month old boy to eat?

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Now I am a stay at home mom and I babysit my 10 month old nephew as well! He was a big baby to begin with and from the time he was born up till about 4 months he was "over weight" but now is considered normal like he is big for his age but his weight matches his height and isnt considered over weight. Now this boy can eat the same things my daughter(2) eats....macaronni, mashed pototatoes,french fries, all pastas,small bite size peices of chicken and ground beef eggs, etc. My sister already buys him the Graduate Meals and snacks and he eats EVERYTHING!!! If we try to give him baby food he will turn his head and he only drinks his bottle when he goes to bed other then that all he wants is water!! His doctor says he is fine and just a healthy lil boy and to be prepared be cause in his words--we have a future line backer in our family-- but Do you think this is normal? My daughter can eat more food and bigger peices but he isnt too far behind!!!




  1. @ 10 months, just after Christmas dinner, is when my daughter started refusing baby foods.  She's been eating everything I eat except steak since. She was never overweight, but always tall for her age. But underweight because her weight didn't match her height. She started refusing her bottle around her first bday. So yeah, I'd say he was normal or average. And what is normal anyway. I hate the percentile scale they go by...drives me nuts. You tell me my child is underweight, yet everyone is gossiping about the fat kids in america...where does this percentile scale come from? The fat kids in america! I never bothered with the gerber graduates, I'd rather my daughter eat foods prepared by me.

  2. I think he's just normal :) do not worry and really good he drinks lots of water. If you're concerned about the milk intake you can give him yogurt for a dessert and he'll be just fine :)

  3. 5-6 oz. of milk and veggies in those little glass containers.  Good luck!

  4. Wow I read all these other responses and it's hard to believe.  My daughter is also 10 months and she loves Cherrios and she eats baby food, sometimes I get her those liitle raviollis and just cut them into like 4 pieces, but i'm to scared she'll choke on alot of things so I couldn't try alot of the stuff you mentioned.  To me that's alot/

  5. your lucky to have a big healthy boy. I think it's great he likes normal food. nothing to be concerned about, as long as he's getting the nutrition he needs. people were feeding baby's normal food for thousands of years before infamile came along.

  6. I think a bigger concern would be if he was too old and still only using a bottle, or old enough but still wont eat whole food. Your doctor is right, hes just a big boy.

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