
What is considered reasonable towards a gender?

by  |  earlier

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For example, for a female what is considered reasonable and fair action for her. Must she always be a housewife? And housewife is considered reasonable for a female?




  1. Depends what she is good at. Like with anyone.

          I think as time goes by the term housewife will disappear.

      It is starting to become more common for men to either stay at home or work at home(take care of the house,kids).

    It is not so much as a personnel decision but a decision by both adults in the partnership. Sorry ladies but if the other partner doesn't agree to it then no way.

  2. In my opinion there is not reasonable or reasonable fair action for female. In now times women are more independent and we have our say what we want to do and who we want to be.

  3. Housewife is only a reasonable path for a female to take when she is the one who decides to take it. Otherwise, anything goes.

  4. I think that's why someone invented the now ever-present politically correct phrase "Stay-At-Home-Mom", because women didn't like the word housewife - i.e. being chained to the house.

    Whatever is reasonable is what works - regardless of gender.

  5. At one time the question of whether or not a woman "must" be a housewife was a hot topic.  People debated whether or not  women were divinely ordained to be wives and mothers.  There were few alternative career paths and it was difficult to do both.  Back in the 1950s families could get along on one income.  Today the question is not "must"  a woman be a housewife, but  "can"  a woman be a housewife.  Some married women are able to stay home and take care of their children and manage the household because they don't need to earn income outside the home.  That situation has become increasingly rare.  Nowadays any woman even if she wants nothing more than to stay home and take care of children had better plan on being able to earn money.

  6. I am from Romania and there you will see much more housewives than you will here in the USA. But, the teens and women in my generation are starting to want more out of life than that. For instance there are more and more women in Romania that are deciding to go to college with the prospect of a career. Blame it on feminism?!?! LOL

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