
What is cosmology? I just saw it in a Q?

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they say its going to provide more proof against christianity, better than evolution.

what is it?




  1. Cosmology (the study of the cosmos and its origin) brings us to the realization that we can never know with absolute certainty where the universe came from or why anything at all should exist (rather than nothing). However, we can study the cosmos and get clues that either eliminate or strengthen various theories.  

  2. Cosmology is the study of the origin and evolution of the universe.

  3. Cosmology is the study of the universe (cosmogeny is specifically studying the beginning if you want to be technical).

    Obviously it's a rather broad subject, incorporating astronomy, astrophysics, theoretical physics, geology, biology and so on.

    Oh and incidentally evolution does not, and does not try to, disprove Chrstianity.  The Pope accepts evolution.  It only disproves young earth creationism, which is held by a tiny subset of almost entirely American Christians.

  4. Cosmology is the study of the cosmos.  The cosmos is the Universe, so it means the study of the Universe - generally in the astronomical sense.

  5. Cosmology is the study of the beginning and development of the universe, as well as the structures within it from the first instants of time until the end of time.

  6. Cosmology studies the evolution of the did the universe came to be the way that it is? A subset of cosmology, known as cosmogony, specifically studies the origins for the universe.

    Currently, evolution is to biology as the big bang is to cosmology: they're the cornerstone theories of the disciplines, and the ones that religious folks tend to deplore.

  7. Cosmology is the origin of the universe.

  8. study of the Universe in its totality, and humanity's place in it.

    Cosmology is often an important aspect of the creation myths of religions that seek to explain the existence and nature of reality. In some cases, views about the creation (cosmogony) and destruction (eschatology) of the universe play a central role in shaping a framework of religious cosmology for understanding humanity's role in the universe.

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