
What is cultural imprints?

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  1. cultural imprints

    Who we are

    We are an international organisation, with offices in the UK, USA and Australia and representative offices in Sweden and Brazil. We have been operating in the United Kingdom since 1988.

    What we do

    We offer a specialised service that provides key knowledge for: brand building, new product development, identifying new segments, tailoring messages to consumers and organisational change and integration.

    Our process fulfils two roles; one is to provide key knowledge for companies’ strategic planing process. The other is to develop client teams who will implement this strategic knowledge on an ongoing basis.

    How we do it

    We have developed a systematic process that translates the contradictions of human behaviour into something concrete, identifying people’s emerging needs with remarkable accuracy. During a project the members of the client team become experts in using this strategic knowledge. The ‘core competence’ remains within the client’s organisation.

    Scientific Background

    We draw on the latest discoveries in the neural sciences, linguistics, psychology and anthropology and apply them in the world of business.

    Recent discoveries in the field of the neural sciences teach us that:

    • Emotion is the trigger to action  

    • The rational system follows the emotional system

    • Present actions are driven by past experiences

    • Present experiences dictate our emerging needs  

    The Imprint analysis incorporates this knowledge of the human mind to determine people’s emerging needs and ‘entry-points’ for effective communication.

    What makes Cultural Imprint unique

    • We have a systematic process to identify people’s emerging needs and ‘entry points' for effective communication

    • ‘People say one thing and do another.’ We find out what they really want!

    • The process serves as a 'truth detector' to reveal how consumers feel about brands

    • Client participation allows companies to reconnect with their audiences

    • Development of a client team enables the results to be implemented on an ongoing basis


    Cristina Afors - President and Founder

    Cristina is a graduate in economics from Fundacao Getulio Vargas, Brazil. She studied social psychology at the London School of Economics and psychoanalysis at the Tavistock Institute, London. Cristina founded Cultural Imprint in 1988 and has extensive experience working with large multinational companies across a wide range of industries and services

    John Evans - Vice President

    John obtained a PhD in psychology from the University of Western Australia. He has taught in psychology departments at several Australian universities, and has also lectured in personnel management, business and human resource, micro computing, management science and business related courses at the David Syme Business School. He began consulting in 1981, where he worked with a number of corporations, providing an array of consultancy services. John joined Cultural Imprint in 1993

    Marilyn Zuckerman Michaels - Vice President

    Prior to joining Cultural Imprint in 1999, Marilyn led AT&T Solutions' Management practice, where she provided consulting services for Global 2000 companies. She specialised in building and managing worldwide change management initiatives, enabling successful business transformation. Marilyn has also held management positions in AT&T Bell Labs, American Hoescht, ITT and RCA, and is the author of the successful book 'Incredibly American'

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