
What is cultural relativity?

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How does it compare to cultural diversity and to psychic diversity?




  1. Cultural relativism is an anthropological school of thought that started in the USA in the mid xx century based on Franz Boas's teachings. It's center line is that no culture can be judged based on the values of another, since values (moral, but also epistemic) are determined by culture and apply only to the culture that has created them.

    This school of thought challenged previous beliefs that considered non western cultures as primitive, savage, etc.

    Cultural diversity is a concept widely used to describe the differences that characterize peoples around the world, in spite of a common biological background.

    Psychic diversity no idea.

  2. This is vague question. Cultural relativity may be the things cultures are related or not related, what distinguishes the culture and what a culture has in common with others. Comparisons may evaluate any social feature or  system, religion, behavior, manerisms, marriage, customs, dress, language, physical qualities, dress, diet, business, art, music, dance, expression, hostility and friendliness, science and technology, mythology, etc

    Cultural diversity is a part of relativity to be compared. Diversity may imply intrinsic diversity or social diversity like genetic  and ethnic mix, or methods of the social system to solve problems making the culture diverse.

    For example the US is Culturally diverse, many ethnic peoples living in peace together, our resturants, languages and food preparation are also diverse.

    Psychic diversity is likely not part of this question or you are not asking the question correctly. Please review the question.

    Psychic diversity is more on a religious, philisophical area and would not apply. Although, the US is a very psychically diverse nation. Because we do not shun psychic abilities, most psychics openly espouse their trade. The US has Tarot card readers, palm readers, psychics of all sorts, celeberty psychics, psychic mentors "muse", astrologists, mythology, superstitions, religious beliefs and rituals, folk medical practice.

    One might be able to include psychic qualities and practices into an evaluation of a culture and compare them with other cultures. Some cultures may be more diverse psychically than others.

  3. Kissin' cousins in Alabama would be cultural relativity.

    It's the opposite of diversity.

    Psychic diversity would be to just have a hankerin',  i.e., you wuz thinkin' it.

  4. Cultural relativity is an attempt to understand the cultural development of societies and social groups own their own terms; that is, without trying to impose absolute ideas of moral value or trying to measure different cultural variations in terms of some form of absolute cultural standard.

    In this sense, under specific circumstances, any form of human behavior can appear to be good or bad. A good example here is our attitude to the killing of another human being.

    In peace time this may be considered to be murder or manslaughter (deviant), whereas in war time this may be considered a duty.

    As this example suggests, what is significant is not the act itself (taking the life of another person) but the social context of the act (in this instance, the moral background against which the act is viewed).

    However, the concept of cultural relativity does present problems, since if we apply it politically, not just sociologically, we have to accept any form of behavior as acceptable as long as it conforms to the cultural expectations of the society in which it takes place.

    I hope this helps, call me sometime we'll do lunch!

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