
What is currently going on between Russia and Georgia?

by Guest56683  |  earlier

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Just a basic synopsis, please.




  1. Russia is not going to invade Georgia.  Ignore the capture of Gori and the towns of Senaki, Zugdidi and Kurga.  Russia is only there for humanitarian purposes.

    I've heard it repeatedly from Russia Today.

  2. Russia: Russia has peacekeepers in Georgia, Russia just wants to make sure they are not Ethnic Cleansened

    Georgia: Thinks Russia is bullying them and trying to get to their oil route. Georgia is on a major oil route and Russia needs that to complete their routes to Asia

  3. War.

    Georgia bombed the breakaway republic of South Ossetia, killing hundreds of civilians, hoping the world would be distracted by the Olympics. However, the Ossetians had all been granted Russian citizenship, and Russia invaded to defend its citizens. Russian jets attacked Georgian towns, killing civilians. Despite a lot of theories, it's really not about oil. Russia has more than enough petrochemicals to keep them happy. It's more about NATO's courting of ex-Soviet nations, and Russia's desire for local supremacy.

    Nobody's in the right. The 'plucky little Georgia' stuff you hear is nonsense: they started it by attacking Ossetia, and have been pretty brutal. On the other hand, Russia's response has been massively disproportionate.

    It's all a huge mess, and it needs to end now.

  4. Uhhh, they're like shootin' at each other n' stuff.

  5. I've heard it repeatedly from Russia Today. -  ohhhhhhh plz!:)

    Russia just  wants  to make  it's  territory bigger...Bombed so many towns in Georgia and now coming to the capital. 15ooo soldiers and  100  tanks.....

    Georgia had conflict with Osetia, conflict zone-Osetia. Why russia  bombs  GEorgia?? to show that they can?

  6. War

  7. Georgia attacked south ossteria which is in the country of georgia, Russia retaliated.

    Russia has sent ground troops invading Georgia.

    Political operations have encouraged break away states of Georgia to seek to return to Russia rather than join the European union, now military action is being used to force georgia to release these rogue states back to Russia.

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