
What is currently missing in your life?

by  |  earlier

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well Kate, what can be a state of mind, a feeling.. a thought, and a dream, I donno, and yes what not who!

so u're a completely satisfied lady? I like that =)




  1. to be totally honest .. i miss that loving feeling ...  

  2. i am 18 and i have never had a girlfriend so i say i missing confience in my life

  3. My fiance who is miles away from me and will join me in London in October :(

  4. FREEDOM  

  5. Dunno ! Guess it's my memory.....

  6. An air conditioner... we had a record heat today, and a forest fire near by.  Can't open the windows to cool the place down or it will smell of smoke, and it's too hot to sleep!

  7. I do miss my childhood days (care free)... and my parents (who are no longer alive).

  8. Nothing is missing, cuz you asked WHAT and not

  9. i miss my lebanese friends

    really i miss being part of this lovely community asking and anwsering

    having fun contacting my friends i miss u all it' has been a while i havent connected on the daily i'm alwywas abesnt i rarely have an opportunity to come and check my mails

    but whenever i have i come on line asking about my dearest lebabnese friends


  10. People close to me, who I can love, trust, and respect.  Looking for those people who I can get to know and who want to know about me without prejudgments, misconceptions, or anything negative.  They accept me for who I am, and I accept them for who they are.

    Much Love


    Can't wait for your next message my dear friend!

  11. hmm, a job lol

    and a person, he isnt MISSING, he just isnt right HERE right now

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