
What is d diffrence between restricted free agent and unristricted free agent?

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What is d diffrence between restricted free agent and unristricted free agent?




  1. Hi Ximun,

    A restricted free agent is a free agent who can sign with another team however his old team can chose to give him the same contract. If they do that the y keep him.

    For example:

    Kelenna Azubuike was offered I think 5 million  dollars for three years by the clippers. He accepted the offer but then his old team the Warriors offered the same and they kept him.

    An unrestricted is free to accept any offer and he doesn't have to worry about anything.

  2. The PRE FIX!

  3. A restricted free agent is a free agent that if it gets an offer from another team their team has 7 days to buy the contract the other team offered them, ex: Clippers offer Josh Smith 6 years 70 mil. Hawks can either pay Josh Smith 6 years 70 mil. and no more, no less or just let Clippers keep him for 6 years 70 mil.  A unrestricted free agent can sign with any team whos offer he likes and whoever signs him first, gets him.

  4. Restricted Free Agent means that a team other then the one his on can offer him a contract and the team that currently has the player can either match the contract or let him go to the new team. Unrestricted means that the player can sign anywhere.

  5. Whats up Ximun

    Restricted Free Agent- Can sign an "offer sheet" with any team other than their original team. But the original team has 10 days to match that offer, and if they choose to do so, the player returns to that original team, under the terms of that new contract.

    Unrestricted Free Agent-Can sign with any team in the league that offers them a valid contract.

  6. Restricted Free agent were a player get an offer sheet from other team his previous team can match an offer. So a restricted free agent already has a team before.

    Unrestricted free agent a player were he has no team on the previous season so if he is given an offer sheet no team can match it.

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