
What is dangers if Mastur. after circumcision

by Guest56179  |  earlier

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i mean after 2 to 3 weeks i will not try it but what are the dangers? for my knowledge pls and thank you




  1. iif you haven't been circ'd yet, don't do it, you will regret it, do your homework on the negatives

  2. It can desensertise -well actually it does thats why peeps used to do it wen they thought urges where bad -dont do  it its just not right -I mean ur born with skin there for a reason

    Im ok if its done due to medical resons but otherwise its unnatural -you wouldent cut the skin of your lil toe off would you - and you wont get half as much fun from that - so why do  it to ur d**k  

  3. Probably nothing, but the healing process is different for each person. The doctor who performed the surgery can give you the best answer. Good luck! And, oh come on, I have never met anybody that doesn't--it ain't no sin.

  4. Could pop the stitches and get an infection.  

  5. didnt you just ask this question?  you need to stop masterbating because youll get hooked!

  6. After two to three weeks there should be no stitches remaining.  they are supposed to come out after ten days.  if you still have them or parts of them, then go to the doctor immediatley and have them removed.  the danger of masturbation is opening up the wound and bleeding.  this should heal well enough to be able to m********e after 4 weeks if careful.  Use plenty of lube.

  7. you might bust your stitches as well as you n*t  lol

  8. Masturbating, before you have completely recovered from a circumcision can cause you to pull out your stitches.  I was circumcised when I was 19, and I have no regerts whats so ever.  If you have any other questions just email me.

  9. All you have to do is think about the question your asking.... Do you really need someone to tell you what could happen. Your skin needs time to heal before you give it a tug again. You could tear it...cause more scaring...get an infection...etc. Just take your mind off of masturbation for a while till your skin is heal and is healthy....then go at it with a furry and hope you don't give the d**n thing rug

  10. The only danger is infection.  Before you m********e it should be fully healed.  If you can't wait make sure your hands are very clean.  Wash with hot water and soap and then use an antibacterial gel.  Then handle your p***s gently.   Carefully wash your p***s after you are done.

  11. i will rip

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