
What is day trading anyway?

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What is day trading anyway?




  1. Day trading, otherwise known as spread trading, allows you to speculate on the global stock market, property futures, indices, commodities and currencies. You can trade from anywhere in the world that has an Internet connection, as many financial bookmakers now have online dealing platforms. In fact, in most cases you can trade 24 hours a day

  2. Presumably buying and selling (selling and buying) within the same day. In the UK we would probably say trading or short term trading. Most traders (referring to people who don't take stock up/ pay for it) deal on an extended settlement, for example T+10 or T+15 and sell before the settlement, again to avoid having to pay for stock. Of course a lot of this business may be moving to CFD or spread betting.

  3. Day trading means buying something on the stock exchange and then selling it again the same day. Hoping to make money from the difference in price.

    You can also go short. That means selling a stock that you do not own and then buying it back at the end of the day. Hoping, of course, that the price of that stock made a big drop. Going short is very risky because you need to buy back no matter what the price and you could lose unlimited amounts of money. Prices can sometimes go "the wrong way" very fast and very far!

  4. Buying stocks and selling them the same day - you are supposed to make money out of it.

  5. day trading is buying and selling a stock within 1 day.  They try to make quick smaller gains everyday.  These small gains can add up in a longer time frame.

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