
What is de ja vu??

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What is de ja vu??




  1. The feeling that you have just relived a moment in time. A repetition of something you did or someone you spoke with even though it never really happened twice. It is a very odd feeling but interesting as well. Hope this helps!!

  2. it's a slight realization that you're living in a dream. Your conscious goes a little above the plane we're on and you can see creation before it's manifested a second before it does. It gives you the experience that you've experienced before since you are experiencing it on one plane and then seeing it manifest on our plane.

  3. Translated, it means "seen twice". You may have done or seen something at some time and had the feeling this has happened before.

  4. I am sure I answered this question yesterday.

  5. its when u feel lyk u already did this before

  6. Lord knows what the last person is on about! LOL!

    It means that feeling you get that you have seen or been through something before when you know you could not have done so.

    Scientists say it is due to a brief glitch in the brain that cuts it off for a microsecond, so the experience is seen as a replay.

    Most people think it is a extrasensory or even supernatural phenomenon.

  7. The sensation you are doing something you have done before.

    or a movie starring Denzel Washington

  8. its like u went through it twice, like u seen the same event twice in ur life
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