
What is deja-vu and why do we experience it?

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What is deja-vu and why do we experience it?




  1. I dont have a dictionary answer for you.. just my personal experience & opinion...  When i have deja-vu, its just a quick feeling or dreamlike recollection of having been there or done that before.  As for why we experience it... someone once told me that when we have deja-vu we are on the right path in our life.  it made sense & i liked it...

  2. recarnation?

    psychic (sposely we all have them but ignore them  or pass them off as a coincidence.)

  3. It is when you feel that you already experience a certain event but have no memory of that first time..basicly when ever THEY change something in the matrix....

  4. Dejavu is when you feel like you've done said or thought something before. When it happens tome its becasue I've dreamed that exact thing down, even what I'm thinking. Its like you see into the future and then you forget and then when it happens you remeber ou've done it. However very few people that get that I've talked to seem to remember tha tthey dreamed it. Maybe thats just me that gets the dreams. Maybe not. I don't know.

  5. Scientist aren't 100% sure why it happens.

    However there is a school of thought at the moment.  

    Our eyes see the world, but it takes a moment for our brains to process it.  There seems to be some thought that our brains see it feed it back to us and then it processes what just happened and goes "Hey! I know that!"

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