
What is detention like in high school? (The Breakfast Club)

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I'm watching "The Breakfast Club" & for those who don't know it is a great movie from the 80's about kids in detention on a Saturday. This is a movie that seems to stay true no matter what year it is!

Anyway, I'm one of those "goody goody" kids who never got detention in school. Even though I CUT tons of times . . . just always played sick and stayed home. lol

I've always wondered what is ""Detention" like? In this movie the VP John Bender (some say he is the principal & others say he is the Vice.) but he makes the kids write an essay while they are in detention. Plus they are in Saturday Detention for 9 hours! (Bender says they have 8hrs & 54mins to think about why they are there!!!)

So if you were ever in detention what happened while you were there? Did you just sit there bored, do homework or did they make you work?

Plus how long was it?




  1. Omg its so fun one time i got three days of suspension for fighting with my friends and their enemies. another time i got suspended for firworks in school yards. i have had over  50 lates, like 30 back talking write ups, about 25 rufesuals to do work omfg and that was only 1 grades worth MWAHAHAHA but they r fun but not like breakfast club even though i find myself sneaking outta the room  

  2. hahaha, ok i got detention once for being late one minute (kind of dumb), it's really nothing, it was a lunch detention, and i just sat there bored, they allow you to do homework and they don't let you work, don't worry.

  3. Detention is usually around 40 mins, and you just do homework, and listen to your ipod.

  4. I only got one after school detention. It lasted half an hour. I had to write an essay on why I was awarded detention ( I had my foot on a chair)

    We all had to work in silence and we could not sit next to each other.

    The teacher supervising the detention took in our detention slips at the start of the detention, wrote our name and offence in the detention book, signed our detention slips and we were free to leave.

    I got a lecture from the headteacher on the way home as to why I was in detention and also from an old lady on the bus home

  5. When you are in detention in high school, you are to sit in an assigned seat. You are supposed to do homework, read, or do anything to keep yourself busy. You are not allowed talking. You are not allowed to use the  restroom. They have a specific time where the whole class goes to the restroom supervised, that also includes lunch. When you have detention with a teacher, it's a little different. It all depends on the teacher.

  6. I've had detention plenty of times.

    All they make us do is either homework or we just sit there and talk to eachother till they tell us we can

    Its NOTHING like the Breakfast Club.

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