
What is devolution?

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People think of evolving as growing bigger, better, stronger, etc.

But the truth is, people grow old and weaker. Everything does.

Is that devolution?




  1. In common parlance, "devolution" is the notion a species may evolve into more "primitive" forms. From a scientific perspective, devolution does not exist.

    Modern genetically-based biological evolution theory asserts that evolution occurs by such mechanisms as natural selection , genetic drift, and mutation, and is therefore not directional, forward or backward in time; hence "devolution" is not a valid concept.

  2. No, any change is evolution.  Evolution has no goal and species with a smaller chance of survival can evolve.  This is why we have species that are overly specialized & can only survive in special environments.  

    Because those with an IQ of over 125 are only 1/4 as likely to produce offspring as those with an IQ of less than 90, modern humans "may" be evolving toward a lower IQ... if that means anything?  Evolution is an ongoing thing among all species, but only becomes evident during some species crisis.  We then have what is known as positive selection for those evolved to meet the crisis situation (bottleneck hypothesis).

    To have evolution the old must die off & the new models must take over.  The driving force is the ability of a gene carrier to live to the age of reproduction & produce offspring that can survive to reproductive age.

  3. You wouldn't recognize the 'truth' if it bit your backside, Ace.

  4. Its usually taken in a wider terms than that. Like when an enviornment changes in a way that it benefits a speices to return to a picture of their previous selves.

  5. um no people aging and becoming frail because of time is not considered devolution

    true devolution would come from millions of years of stupidity ruling as a societal norm to the point of natural strength and intelligence declines as well as a decline in the average lifespan of a species

    theoretically devolution is absurd and impossible because everything on this planet can and learn from its mistakes and adapts due to different circumstances or it will become extinct

  6. to bring back stuff or did you mean involution ?

  7. It began as soon as Baby Bush and Cheney the shooter got into the White House

    If we don't get them into leavenworth soon the entire country will become the intellectual lessors of Bonobo Apes.

  8. No,devolution is legilation
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