
What is diff between poor an rich man?

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What is diff between poor an rich man?




  1. Rich man got more I owe you.

    Poor don't have collateral.

  2. The poor man knows what hard life is...while the rich man life is filled with luxury...thats my theory

  3. poor man r honest rich people are dishonest

  4. a rich man can do almost anything-take care of,family etc-i said ALMOST not everything.... to remedy any problem.not a poor person.

    who ever said happiness can´t be bought did not know where to shop!

  5. the most obvious chose is cash amounts, But i think im rich because i have love, not money rich, but happiness rich...

  6. One knows what the world and life is all about - the other knows only what money can buy.

  7. One has money,

    the other is broke.


  8. well one has alot of money and the other has little.

    they could have many other differences tho

  9. the poor man depends on others and the rich one can take care of hisself

  10. It is factual that some people are rich and some people are poor. This sound like A FACT, but it isn't; it's two facts. The first fact is that some people are rich. That's good! Wouldn't you like to get rich? It would be good, and there are many advantages to being rich. Besides, being rich shouldn't upset anyone. The other fact is that some people are poor. That's a problem, and something needs to be done about it.

    It's only when the two facts are combined that the anomaly occurs as "the difference between rich and poor". The two facts were ok on their own, but put them together and there's a misconception. Let's compare this to the two facts about people's health. Some people are in good health, and some people are sick, but you wouldn't say there is a "gap between well and ill". It would make no sense.

    Part of the confusion comes because of a knee-jerk reaction by some people who have a simplistic view in which somehow it would be fairer if the wealth was "shared out". You can see a similar thing with the fake degrees where everyone, regardless of intellectual ability, can get a qualification. You can see the problem, can't you: If qualifications were handed out regardless of merit, it would not be worth anyone trying to get a quality qualification and to better themselves.

    The first problem which occurs if you try to share out the money is that there isn't actually enough money around to make the poor people very much richer even if you liquidate all of the rich people. You don't need to take my word for this; get the figures and do a calculation.

    The second problem with the sharing-out approach is similar to the qualification issue, that what happens is that if you make everyone equal then there is no incentive to try harder. Human nature being what it is, the capitalist system ends up getting people to work much harder for their own interests in pursuit of the elusive richness than it is possible to get out of them by a collectivised enforced labour system.

    Another reason why you can't make poor people richer by making rich people poorer is because of the spending habits of different people. On average in a Westernised society, rich people tend to hang onto a proportion of the money, whereas poor people tend to spend as much money as they find. It may seem obvious, but this is part of the reason some people are rich and some are poor to start with!

    Although there is inequality of wealth, that's not a problem. Also, it's not a problem that some people are rich. The fact that some people are poor, that is a problem. The problem is poverty. That's where something needs to be done.

  11. one of them is rich and the other is poor

  12. poor people can't buy expensive shirt, food, jewelries, car and things. And a big house... poor people are very well not educated

    rich man can buy limo, BMW, big big house, expensive cellphone, and other expensive man is educated...

  13. ones a prick

    ones a drunk

    im neither =]

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