
What is difference (appearance)between a shia and a suuny muslim?

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What is difference (appearance)between a shia and a suuny muslim?




  1. That's like asking what's the difference in appearance between a Catholic and a Protestant. There is none. Religion does not equate to race.

  2. One lives in the shade and the other lives in a sunny place.

  3. In 632, the Prophet Muhammed died after his conquets in modern-day Iraq and Iran. The two contenders for the position of Caliph were Ali and Abu Bakr. Ali was the son of the prophet, and supported by his mother; Fatima. Abu Bakr was the commander who had won most of the battles, and he was supported by the majority. The partisans of Ali became known as the Shiat-Ali, or s**+'ites. The supporters of Bakr, who believed the most capable should lead, were called Sunnis.  

  4. Appearance wise there is no difference between christians or Muslims, or sunnis or shias, or catholics or protestants.

    The difference is in the beliefs, not appearances.

    Please do not confuse race with religion!

    Race is an accident of birth, you cannot change your race.

    Religion is the matter of belief, one can change one's beliefs and so one's religion

  5. There is no apparent difference.

  6. I would first correct some inaccuracies in Anonymous' answer, and in that, I hope to answer your question, if you do not mind.


    In 632, the Prophet Muhammed died after his conquets in modern-day Iraq and Iran. The two contenders for the position of Caliph were Ali and Abu Bakr. Ali was the son of the prophet, and supported by his mother; Fatima. Abu Bakr was the commander who had won most of the battles, and he was supported by the majority. The partisans of Ali became known as the Shiat-Ali, or s**+'ites. The supporters of Bakr, who believed the most capable should lead, were called Sunnis.


    After the death of the Holy Propeht (pbuh) his companions met in order to choose the successor after him.  The famiy of the Prophet (pbut) were burying him, so they were not there.  The Prophet (pbuh) himself had announced during the last Hajj that Imam Ali (pbuh) should be the leader after him, but the companions still decided to hold a "Shura" or council to choose one of them to be the leader.  As a result of that council, Abu Bakr was chosen as Khalifa or leader.

    Imam Ali (pbuh) was not the son of the Prophet (pbuh), but his cousin.  Lady Fatima (pbuh) was not the mother of Imam Ali (pbuh) nor the wife of the Prophet (pbuh), she was the daughter of the Prophet (pbuh) and the wife of Imam Ali (pbuh).

    Abu Bakr had not won the most battles, but he was one of the oldest companions of the Prophet (pbuh).  Imam Ali (pbuh) in fact is the one that had won the most battles and defeated the most enemies.

    The end you have right, the majority did follow Abu Bakr and are now called Sunni's.  The minority that supported Imam Ali (pbuh) were called Shia's.  This is the main reason for the division, but the gap has widened as time went on, because the Sunni's got their Hadiths (traditons of the Prophet (pbuh)) from the companions and the Shia's got their Hadiths from the family of the Prophet (pbuh).  Because of this, there is a little difference in the practice that you see today.

    I hope I have answered your question.  If there is anything I have left out, please do not hesitate to contact me.

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