
What is difference between Engaland and Grand Britain?

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What is difference between Engaland and Grand Britain?




  1. انگلستان هم از نظر جغرافيايي و هم از نظر زبان و فرهنگ باهم تفاوتهاي بسياري دارند.

  2. i've not heard of either of those places

    England? The country of England

    Great Britain - Scotland, England N.Ireland and Wales (also see UK)

    Uk - England, N. Ireland, Wales and Scotland - the nation state

    Nationality - British

  3. Great Britain is the entire island that includes England, Scotland and Wales (but not Northern Ireland).  England is a country within Great Britain  bordered by Wales to its West and Scotland to the North.

  4. Disagree with chariotm. The Channel Isles are not part of the Archipeligo called the British Isles. Geologically they are linked to France. Politically they are an offshore Protectorate of the Crown. This goes back to 1066 as they were then part of Normandy. They remained part of Crown Lands even after the French Crown recovered all mainland France. Indeed the only time they were out of Crown juristriction (via local representatives) was 1940-45 when the Germans held sway

  5. "Great Britain" is the collective name for the three countries of England, Scotland and Wales. It also includes the small adjacent islands but it does not include the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.

    The expression "British Isles" is geographical and not political. They are a group of islands off the northwest coast of Europe consisting of Great Britain, the whole of Ireland, the Orkney and Shetland Islands, the Isle of Man, the Inner and Outer Hebrides, the Isle of Wight, the Scilly Islands, Lundy Island, the Channel Islands and many other smaller islands.

  6. England is one country within Great Britain, with the other two being Scotland and Wales.  GB plus Northern Ireland is the United Kingdom.

  7. Don't know.Have looked on a map of the world and cant find them.Where are they?

  8. England is one country, Great Britain is England, Wales and Scotland.

  9. The official name of the UK is the "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland".

    Great Britain is the official name given to the two kingdoms of England and Scotland, and the principality of Wales.

    England is a country in the UK and occupies most of the southern two thirds of Great Britain.  

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