
What is difference between career college and 4 year school?

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i was looking through this site so i can get more knowledge about colleges and it asked me if i wanted to go to a 4 year school or a career college? i dont know the difference...




  1. career college = rip off, for profit, expensive and non transferable

    usually set up for people with underdeveloped career goals and can't come up with anything other than, "I want to work in an office"

  2. With four year colleges, you generally have to take a variety of courses, major related or not. Most will make you take English, foreign language, social sciences and natural sciences. These are the more traditional schools people think of when college is mentioned.

    Career colleges are more like vocational schools- you learn a trade. You take classes that teach you skills you need for your trade. For example, culinary schools and schools like ITT Tech are probably career colleges.

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