
What is differences among fact, judgement & inference statement (question related to MBA exam)?

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What is differences among fact, judgement & inference statement (question related to MBA exam)?




  1. In logic, a rule of inference is a function from sets of formulae to formulae. The argument is called the premise set (or simply premises) and the value the conclusion. They can also be viewed as relations holding between premises and conclusions, whereby the conclusion is said to be inferable (or derivable or deducible) from the premises. If the premise set is empty, then the conclusion is said to be a theorem or axiom of the logic.

    A desirable property of a rule of inference is that it be effective in the sense of  an effective procedure for determining whether any given formula is inferable from any given set of formulae. A rule that is not effective is the infinitary omega rule.

    inference=The act or process of deriving logical conclusions from premises known or assumed to be true.

    The act of reasoning from factual knowledge or evidence.

    Apply Modus Ponens [(p-->q)p]-->q

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